3年ぶりの「子どもまつりin南相馬」開催! On May 5th, “Children’s Festival in Minamisouma” was held for the first time in 3 years!
On May 5th, “Children’s Day”, a national holiday,we held the “Children’s Festival in Minamisoma”, the most important event of the Peace Project’s establishment philosophy! Due to Covid, it was held for the first time in 3 years, and it was blessed with great weather!
The highlight this year is this “reverse bungee”. Since I saw it at the outside festival, I had been interested in it for a long time and was hoping that I could use it at the children’s festival someday… and it has appeared as a main attraction this year. The numbered tickets were introduced and distributed to avoid crowd and the reverse bungee jumping numbered tickets were gone in no time. It was very popular. In addition to the reverse bungee, the annual attractions “fluffy playset,” “kickboxing experience,” “super ball scooping,” and “Tarzan rope (ZIPLINE)” also became a long line.
At every attraction, we could see the children’s smiles, and I realized that many people were looking forward to this children’s festival.
And it was the customary “yakisoba” ( Japanese noodle) that made a long line at noon. Two great professional noodle chefs of Peace Project were very efficient and provided more than 400 meals of yakisoba.
The finale of the children’s festival is, of course, the “Bingo Tournament”! Company, San-X kindly donate a free gift every year, a popular character Rilakkuma , Sumikko Gurashi goods for us.
At the time of such an event, “to end the event safely” is the priority above all, and despite the large number of visitors this time, there was no big accidents nor injuries, and we were able to finish it safely. The smiles of the children that I could see in it were outstanding, and above all, they gave us energy. Thanks to all the volunteers who participated, we were able to manage and finish on time. It was an unprecedented attempt to measure the temperature at the reception desk of more than 800 visitors . Also, there are many supporters who donated because it is difficult to participate as a volunteer. With the support of various people, I would like to continue to work on the “Children’s Festival in Minamisouma” event, which makes children smile.
ピース食堂2期目初回はBBQで無事終了! The first time of the second term of Peace Cafeteria was successfully completed with BBQ.
4/23㈯ 第17回ピース食堂開催いたしました。
The first time of the second term of Peace Cafeteria was successfully completed with BBQ.
連休前のスペシャルメニュー ✨オージー・ビーフステーキバーベキュー✨ フレンチフライ、グリル新玉オニオン、ミックスベジタブル、手作り無添加ふりかけ、で無事に終了しました。 外バーベキュー、運営側にも熱中症が出るかと懸念するほどの夏日快晴でした! 整理券100食配布の所要時間は10分。 お断り数がかなり出てしまいました。 楽しみにされていた皆様、本当に申し訳ございません。 お持ち帰り式でなければ時間差で食数を増やすなど対応していく方法が今後の課題です。 そのような中、昨年のBBQ実施日に登校日で来られず、今回は絶対に食べたいんだ!と言って来た子、メニューが気になり来たという子、兄弟分も無料で持って帰ってもいいんですか、と遠慮がちに取りに来た子など、はじめて1人で来た子どもたちも散見されました。 先日の文教大学での講義で『こども食堂は地域のインフラとして必要不可欠な存在になる』とこども食堂の進む道が示されましたが、場所柄3つの小学校区が対象エリアのピース食堂の未来像実現のヒントにもなりました。
Special menu for Peace Cafeteria before consecutive holidays was “Aussie beef steak barbecue, French fries, grilled onion, mixed vegetable, handmade additive-free Furikake (sprinkle)”, and it finished successfully.!! It was so sunny day that I was worried about the outside barbecue temperature that our management side would suffer from heat stroke! It only took 10 minutes to distribute 100 numbered tickets. The number of refusals has come out quite a bit.
I’m really sorry to everyone who was looking forward to it. If it is not a take-out, the future issue is how to deal with it, such as increasing the number of meals with a time lag. Under such circumstances, some children said “I couldn’t come to school on the day of last year’s BBQ, so I definitely want to eat this time! “and there were children who came alone for the first time, other children said they came by as they were interested in the menu, children who were asking if they could bring back food for their siblings, and many more. A lecture at Bunkyo University the other day showed that the children’s cafeteria will become an indispensable part of the local infrastructure, but the future of the peace cafeteria in the target area is the three elementary school districts. It was also a hint for realizing this image.
もうひとつ、ピース食堂名物イベント、キックボクシング体験も暑さにもかかわらず、賑わいました! 第一回から担当してくれている石川直生選手が子どもに『やってみようか!』ときさくに声をかけると『やってみる』とチャレンジする子どもの多いこと! ピース食堂が大事にしたい、ふれあいのある支援活動の大きな力添えです。
Another special event at the Peace Cafeteria, the kickboxing experience, was crowded despite the heat! Naoki Ishikawa, who has been in charge since the first time, asked the child, “Let’s try! There are many children who want to challenge themselves when Naoki called out to them! It is a great help to support activities such as these that are important to the Peace Cafeteria.
今回は参加できないボランティアさんから100袋のラムネを、レギュラー支援者の早坂さんからもお菓子を、 足立こども食堂支援協議会様からは、新鮮で立派なお野菜のご支援をいただきました。ありがとうございます。 文教大学学生ボランティアさん4名をはじめとする格闘系ボランティアにご参加ご協力くださった皆様も本当にありがとうございました。 次回は5/15(日)開催です!
ピース食堂は2期目に入りました。 引き続き皆様からのご支援、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
This time, we received 100 bags of ramune from volunteers who could not participate, sweets from regular supporter Hayasaka san, and fresh and vegetables from the Adachi Children’s Cafeteria Support Council. Thank you. We would like to thank all of you who participated in and cooperated with the kick boxing volunteers, including four Bunkyo University student volunteers. Next time will be held on 5/15 (Sun)!
The Peace Cafeteria has entered its second term. We look forward to your continued support.
04/18 文教大学ゲスト講談 Bunkyo University guest storytelling
「ピースプロジェクトの活動」「子ども食堂を始めるきっかけ」「JALにいた私がなぜ今この活動に従事しているのか」 などなど。。。30分枠を使い切り、質疑応答の時間もなくなる熱い?講談となりました。
Akiko Watanabe, is a teacher to the volunteer students gave me a chance to give introductory volunteer lecture to the students. This became possible as “Bunko Shokudo,” a children’s cafeteria that started as a volunteer at Bunkyo University, was also a volunteer to help the Peace Cafeteria.
I spoke about “Peace project activities,” “Why did I start a children’s cafeteria,” “Why was I at JAL now engaged in this activity?” .. .. It was an intense talk and used up 30-minute quickly and almost no time for questions and answers… It was storytelling.
調理アドバイザーを務める @bunkoshokudo ぶんこ食堂の二宮さんもかけつけて見守ってくださる大変心強い中、なんとか終えることができました50名強の学生の皆さんのうち、数名でも子ども食堂やボランティア活動に興味を持ってくれるきっかけの一つになってくれたら嬉しいです。
Ms. Ninomiya from the Bunko Shokudo, @Bunkoshokudo, who serves as a cooking advisor, last minute joined hear my talk which was very encouraging. Of the 50 students that participated , I hope my talk has become one of the triggers for the students to want to join and gain interest in our activities.
第16回ピース食堂「たけのこご飯」 16th Peace Caefeteria “Bamboo Shoot Rice”
雨の中第16回目となる『ピース食堂』無事終了しました。花冷えと言うよりも、寒い雨の一日でした。雨にもかかわらず、今日もたくさんの方に並んでいただき、100枚の整理券は15分で配布終了しました。 本日のメニューは、たけのこご飯、具沢山豚汁、花見団子でした。合計101食提供でした。最後の一食は地域の民生委員の方がお立ち寄りくださったので、(チラシ提示にいつもご協力いただいている地域町内会の会計さんもされている方とのこと) 急遽お出しすることに!認知度と共にすこしずつ地域の皆さんが興味をもちながら見守ってくださる場所になっていけますように。
The 16th “Peace Dining Room” was successfully completed despite the rain. It was a cold rainy day. Despite the rain, many people lined up today, and the 100 numbered tickets were distributed in 15 minutes. Today’s menu was bamboo shoot rice, vegetable and pork soup, and Hanami dumplings. A total of 101 meals were provided. The last meal was provided to a local welfare officer. (the person who is also the accountant of the local neighborhood association who always cooperates presenting us in the leaflets)! I hope that this will become a place where everyone in the community will be interested and watch over, along with stronger recognition.
Special guest Rio Olympics wrestling silver medalist Shinobu Ota, who is currently a martial arts fighter, and Mei Yamaguchi, who is active in the ONE Championship, taught children fun kickboxing. The Olympic silver medal brought by Shinobu Ota attracted the attention of children, parents and volunteer staff.
This time too, the Adachi Children’s Cafeteria Support Council provided us with a lot of vegetables and Miyo-chan provided us with sweets. Peace Cafeteria is built on the support and cooperation of all of you. I look forward to working with you.