
8/6土曜日、涼しめの朝、第21回ピース食堂は理事長からのピースプロジェクトの歌 “Shine around the world”の発表、ピース食堂第一号支店『恵ちゃんのピース食堂』の報告、広島の原爆の日への黙祷、からスタートとなりました。





三井住友銀行 人形町支店 普通預金1338334

振込名義:特定非営利活動法人ピースプロジェクト 『トクヒ)ピースプロジェクト』


7/23 第20回ピース食堂無事終了です。



キックボクシング体験には“RISEファミリープロジェクト”からHIROYAさんに来ていただきました。キックボクシング初体験の子どもにも親切丁寧に笑顔で指導している姿は『魔裟斗2世』ではなく、立派な経営者そのものでした。HIROYAさんありがとうございました。もう1人は19歳から単身渡米してUFCを目指す“イチバン侍”堀内祐馬選手でした。元々足立区出身と言う事で以前から「ピース食堂に僕も参加させてください‼︎」とラブコールいただいてましたが、今回の帰国タイミングで参加していただきました。お持ち帰り用のお菓子、惣菜としてみよちゃんさん、早坂さんからお菓子を、#足立子ども食堂支援協議会 様からもお野菜以外にもフリーズドライ味噌汁、アルコールボトルを提供していただきました。ハワイ在住ボランティアの方からパイナップル🍍グミ、別のボランティアのかたからもフルーツゼリーをご寄贈いただきました。皆様、本当にいつもありがとうございます。ボランティアも初回と同じくらい大人数でしたが、手のこんだメニューだったので皆さんに分担していただき、ギリギリで提供する事が出来ました。ボランティアにご参加くださった皆さんにも心からお礼申し上げます。


2022.07~ RISEファミリープロジェクト発動!







5/15(日)第18回ピース食堂 May 15th (Sun) The 18th Peace Cafeteria




The 18th Peace Cafeteria has successfully completed. This time too, it was a great success. 100 numbered tickets was gone in 10 minutes. I’d like to increase the number of offers, but there are physical limits and is difficult….(I’m thinking more seriously about the future). As with today’s menu “Chicken Nanban Bento,” it is encouraging to hear from the visitors saying, “I’m looking forward to it every time.” We received vegetables from the Adachi City Children’s Cafeteria Support Council, and sweets from Miyo-chan, Hayasaka san, and Taguchi san for the children. Mr. Suzuki of the Adachi City Children’s Cafeteria Support Council also participated. Thank you always so much.


In addition, I received 5 kg of rice from a mother who was passing by , saying “please use this rice.” There was also a nice surprise from the parents and children who participated in our cafeteria every time saying, “I wrote a letter to you.”

MS. Naoko Fujioka, the world women’s five-crown champion, and MR. Komakine and MR. Murai from Fight Base Toritsudai participated in the boxing and kickboxing trial experiences. Some of the children tried it many times, and they showed us a happy smile. It will be hot from now on, so it may be difficult for both those who experience it and those who teach it, but I would like both parties to enjoy and . Next Peace Cafeteria is June 11th. The menu is a character lunch (Hayashi rice version).

3年ぶりの「子どもまつりin南相馬」開催! On May 5th, “Children’s Festival in Minamisouma” was held for the first time in 3 years!



On May 5th, “Children’s Day”, a national holiday,we held the “Children’s Festival in Minamisoma”, the most important event of the Peace Project’s establishment philosophy! Due to Covid, it was held for the first time in 3 years, and it was blessed with great weather!

The highlight  this year is this “reverse bungee”. Since I saw it at the outside festival, I had been interested in it for a long time and was hoping that I could use it at the children’s festival someday… and it has appeared as a main attraction this year. The numbered tickets were introduced and distributed  to avoid crowd and the reverse bungee jumping numbered tickets were gone in no time. It was very popular. In addition to the reverse bungee, the annual attractions “fluffy playset,” “kickboxing experience,” “super ball scooping,” and “Tarzan rope (ZIPLINE)” also became a long line.

At every attraction, we could see the children’s smiles, and I realized that many people were looking forward to this children’s festival.



And it was the customary “yakisoba” ( Japanese noodle) that made a long line at noon. Two great professional noodle chefs of Peace Project were very efficient and provided more than 400 meals of yakisoba.


The finale of the children’s festival is, of course, the “Bingo Tournament”! Company, San-X kindly  donate a free gift every year, a popular character Rilakkuma , Sumikko Gurashi goods for us.

At the time of such an event, “to end the event safely” is the priority above all, and despite the large number of visitors this time, there was no big accidents nor injuries, and we were able to finish it safely. The smiles of the children that I could see in it were outstanding, and above all, they gave us energy. Thanks to all the volunteers who participated, we were able to manage and finish on time. It was an unprecedented attempt to measure the temperature at the reception desk of more than 800 visitors .  Also, there are many supporters who donated because it is difficult to participate as a volunteer. With the support of various people, I would like to continue to work on the “Children’s Festival in Minamisouma” event, which makes children smile.